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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

The sun is hot and steaming
The waves on the beach are gleaming.
They sparkle like stars in the night sky
While all of the little birds fly up high.

The kids like to roll around in the grass
And all of their parents get their peace at last.
Summertime is the time of fun
It's warm and calm under the sun.

So when it's summertime don't forget
to grab a hose and DO get wet.
Mmm Plums, Ice cream and chocolate chips
I eat them all up and throw away the pips.

Longer day and shorter nights
More time to play no worries in sight.
I love summertime!

Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Monday, 14 March 2016

Looking at our ferry from Tiritiri

On Wednesday, 24 February, we went to Tiritiri Matangi Island to see and study the native New Zealand birds and trees.  We went with Rooms 12 and 10 students.  The guide told us about the birds and trees.  I felt amazing and it was fun.
Friday, 11 March 2016

This term we studied New Zealand Native Birds.  We visited Tiritiri Matangi Island to see some of these birds.  That trip was awesome.  I created a flipbook about New Zealand Native birds.  I hope you enjoy reading it.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Room 11 went to Tiritiri Matangi Island.  The students had fun looking and listening to the New Zealand birds that live there.

We first spotted a Tui.  We loved the blue black feathers on its back.

Next we saw a New Zealand Wood Pigeon also called the Kereru.  It is  is a plump purple and bottle-green pigeon with a white bib, and red eyes, bill and legs.
The next bird we saw was the New Zealand Grey Robin.  It is also called a  toutouwai.  Our pictures of the robin were all blurred so we dont have any to put up here.  

Then we saw the Saddleback.  Also called the Tieke, the saddleback  are glossy black with chestnut coloured feathers on its back that looks like a saddle.

We were also very lucky to see the rarest bird in New Zealand.  This bird is called the stichbird or the Hihi.  We saw the female bird.  I think the brightly coloured male was hiding!

 After looking at these awesome birds, some of us fell asleep on the ferry back to Auckland.
A very tired bird spotter.